Margaret Merry

I grew up in Falmouth where, after leaving Falmouth High School, I spent a year at Falmouth School of Art. Then followed three years at Hornsey College of Art in London where I obtained a Diploma in Art and Design. I  lived and worked in Truro for over 30 years and became one of Cornwall’s most popular artists. My paintings have been exhibited in New York, Tokyo, Paris and London and have been bought by collectors from all over the world. In 2002 I moved to Spain and now live on a small farm near Alhabia in the Alpujarra Almeriense, Almeria.


DSC03302a_ppWnow get my inspiration from the dramatic scenery of Andalucia, its natural history and its fascinating old cities, towns and villages.

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3 Responses to Margaret Merry

  1. Pepe says:

    Hello Margaret, I am Pepe, artist painting and sculpture, my english is very bad…..I like living in this zone of Andalucia, ahhhhhhh… spanish…Please…que tal es esa zona para un pintor, me parece bonita pero no la conozco…me gustaria verla…la conoces bien?..en fin si no te importa decirmelo te lo agradeceria mucho…espero que tu español sea bueno y tengas tiempo….un beso

  2. Mel Williams says:

    Are you also on facebook? 🙂

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